Introducing MyWord
Personalized Generative-AI Wake Words for Your Customers' Devices
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Transform Voice Interactions


Personalized Wake Words
Customers can create their own Wake Words for a more natural experience.


No expensive AI model training required, quick setup, and affordable.


Privacy First
Fully offline operation ensures speed and data privacy.
What Is MyWord?
Empower End-Users
Allow customers to create their own unique Wake Words.
Personalized Experience
Enhance customer satisfaction with a more tailored voice interface.
Why MyWord?
Eliminate high costs of AI model training.
Privacy First
Fully offline operation ensures speed and privacy.
Seamlessly customize voice interfaces across industries.
How Does MyWord Work?
Kardome's Voice AI technology uses the "Few Shot Learning" architecture.
This trains the core AI model to provide identification with a small number of voice samples or labeled training data, unlike standard analytical AI approaches that require large datasets.
Join the Voice Revolution
Make voice interactions effortless and intuitive.
Elevate your customers' user experience.
Shape the future of voice technology.
Schedule a Demo
Schedule a personal demo today.
See how MyWord can transform your product offerings.
Enhance your customers' voice experience.
Kardome: Passion for Voice
At Kardome, we're passionate about making voice interactions natural and effortless. We founded Kardome to change the way people interact with machines and explore the true potential of speech recognition. Our goal is to provide a solution to user frustrations with speech recognition and voice command devices.
Our audio experts, with vast experience in acoustics, signal processing, and machine learning, leverage advanced AI algorithms to develop a solution that makes individual voices understandable for speech recognition engines and human listeners.
Join us in shaping the future of voice technology.
At Kardome, we value your privacy. Visit our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to learn how we protect your data and ensure a secure experience with our personalized Generative-AI wake words for your devices.